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Om jai Guru Teoonram, Swami, jai Guru Teoonram, Par-upkari jagat Udhari, Tum ho Pooran-Kam. Om jai Guru Teoonram...

Om glory to Guru Teoonram, glory to Swami Teoonram, benevolent and world well-wisher, you fulfill everyones’ desires. Om, glory to Guru Teoonram.


1. Jab Jab Premiun nij hit kaaran, Tumko Pukara, Swami tumko Pukara, Tab tab guru avtaar dhare tum, Sabh ko nistara. Om jai Guru Teoonram...

Whenever your devotees call upon You for help, You incarnate yourself and eradicate their dilemma. Om, glory to Guru Teoonram.


2. Prem Parkashee Mandlachaarya, Mantar Sakshee Satnam, Swami Mantar Sakshee Satnam, Dharma Sanatan ke parcharak, Neeti nipun abhiram. Om jai Guru Teoonram...

Oh founding leader and educator of Prem Prakash Mandal, You imparted the Satnam Sakshi mantra and preached eternal righteousness. O magnificent one, you are proficient in teaching principles that give contentment. Om, glory to Guru Teoonram.


3. Desh videsh mein mandli lekar, Pavan de updesh, Swami Pavan de updesh, Aatam roop lakhaya sabako, Hariya tapa Kalesh. Om jai Guru Teoonram...

Along with Prem Prakash Mandli, You gave holy preachings throughout the world, You taught everyone how to recognize ones inner self and thus eliminated their anguish and troubles. Om, glory to Guru Teoonram.

4. Pooran achal samadhi teri, Sidha asan braje, Swami sidh asan braje, Roop manohar sunder lochan, Dekhat man Raje. Om jai Guru Teoonram...

Your state of meditative consciousness is complete and changeless, You sit in a firm yogic position, Your form is beautiful, thus our mind feels contented when looking at it. Om, glory to Guru Teoonram.


5. Aatam isthita vachan ke poore, Yogi indriya jati, Swami yogi indriya jati, Param udari dhairya dhari, Param Agadhmati. Om jai Guru Teoonram...

You are fully established in the supreme self, You are always firm with Your promises and words, O yogi, you have total control over Your mind and senses, You are the epitome of benevolence, exceptionally patient and possess immeasurable wisdom. Om, glory to Guru Teoonram


6. Dhan-dhan mat pita kul tera, Dhan tava sadhu-sujan, Swami dhan tava sadhu-sujan, Dhan who desh jahan tum janmiya, Dhan tava shubha Asthan. Om jai Guru Teoonram...

Blessed are Your parents and Your family lineage, blessed are the sages and the wise, blessed is that country where You were born and blessed is Your auspicious abode. Om, glory to Guru Teoonram.


7. Sura-nar muni-jan harijan gavat guna tumhare, Swami gavat guna tumhare, Anta na paai sake nar koi, Mahima apar-pare. Om jai Guru Teoonram...

O Guru, demons, humans, priests, devotees and wise men all sing Your praises, no one can find the end, Your virtues and greatness are infinite. Om, glory to Guru Teoonram


8. Jo jan tumhari aarati gave, Pave so mukti, Swami pave so mukti, Saadha-sangat ko hardam dije, Pooran guru-bhakti. Om jai Guru Teoonram...

Anyone who sings your ‘aarti’(religious song as part of worship), attains liberation O Master, such a person does attain liberation. Please bless the entire congregation with resolute devotion towards the Guru. Om, glory to Guru Teoonram.


Jai Guru Teoonram, Swami jai Guru Teoonram, Par-upkari jagat Udhari,Tum ho pooran-kam, Om jai Guru Teoonram...

Om glory to Guru Teoonram, glory to Swami Teoonram, benevolent and world well-wisher, you fulfill everyones’ desires. Om, glory to Guru Teoonram.

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